THURSDAY, December 10, 2020 – 6:32 AM,
Dukas: La Peri, age 47
There are 8,399 views, which is pathetic, because this performance is not only amazing, it’s important in 2020, the year of Covid hell. It reminds me of all that we have lost and may never get back again.
It’s probably the fact that both have a lot of horns, but the beginning of this piece reminds me of NPR’s theme.
This is extremely amazing. The amount of effort put in to this, the pure joy it invokes. It is truly an epic feat. The brass section brought out the happiness and triumph of the occasion, and I thank it for that. This was an amazing “Thank You” to our front-line workers keeping us all safe!
I do really enjoy the gesture and find it touching, but I enjoyed the music a whole lot more. The brass section melded together and gave this nice warm feeling to the song. Great music for a bad time.
Thanks to the San Francisco brass section for a wonderful performance and special tribute to all the hardworking people who are putting their lives in danger in order to help others. Heroes without a doubt!!!
That is enjoyable on two levels – the music, and the gesture. In that sense it is also moving. These performances from isolation will one day be seen as historical, when we will be in a better position of looking back on this time. I join their gesture of thanks. There is a nurse who comes home every evening here, with her blue mask in place.